Understanding Gamers
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Hi, this site is all about Gamers, REAL GAMERS.  This site is awesome.  My name is trogdorDAburninator (not real name) and I can't stop thinking about gamers.  Gamers are cool; and by cool, I mean totally awesome.


1.  Gamers are mammals, well usually at least. 
2.  Gamers cheat ALL the time.
3.  The purpose of gamers is to cheat their way to holy hell


Weapons and Gear

Loaded Dice Munchkin's Guide to Power Gaming
A GM (game master) who is stupid and doesn't notice you cheating


Gamers can cheat all the time!  Gamers cheat
ALL the time and don't even think twice about it.  They are so crazy and awesome that they flip out ALL the time.  I heard that some gamers were eating at a tavern.  And when some GM dropped a spoon the gamers flipped out and tossed their loaded dice at EVERYONE.  My friend Bob (not real name) said that he saw some gamers totally pelt some kid with loaded dice because the kid opened a window.

And that's what I call REAL Ultimate Power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you don't believe that gamers has REAL Ultimate Power you better get a life right now or they will beat you!!!  It's an easy choice, if you ask me.

Gamers are soooooooooo friggin' awesome that I want to crap my pants.  I can't believe it sometimes, but I feel it inside my brain (or what's left of it).  They are so totally awesome and that's a fact.  Gamers are not fast, smooth, cool, strong, powerful, or sweet, but they still have REAL ULTIMATE POWER, and that's what matters.

Q and A

Why is everyone so obsessed about gamers?
Gamers are the ultimate paradox.  On the one hand

I heard that gamers are always cheating.  What's their problem?
Whoever told you that is a total liar.  Just like other mammals, gamers can be cheating nerds OR totally awesome.

What do gamers do when they aren't cheating?
Most of their time is spent cheating their way to victory, and it's a total mystery as to what else they ever do, not that anyone would want to know. (Ask Bob if you don't believe me.)

More about dumb gamers


Send mail to alex_n@sbcglobal.net with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2002 - September 05, 2004 Alex NIsnevich